First Book: Kafka's The Trial
Blogger is back! From our emails it seems we've settled on Kafka's The Trial. The following version can be found at B&N or at Borders/
The Trial: A New Translation Based on the Restored Text
Franz Kafka, Breon Mitchell, Arthur H. Samuelson (Editor)
Publisher: Schocken (May 25, 1999)
Let's get our hands on it and read the first 53 pages (to round off the chapter, says Anna) by next Monday, June 19th. OK? Please comment some affirmations (objections? modifications?) so I'm not the only person doing this?
Official Format for responses to books:
Book Abbreviation, page number: subject, # response
eg: Trial, p50: I Like This Book, 1
The Trial: A New Translation Based on the Restored Text
Franz Kafka, Breon Mitchell, Arthur H. Samuelson (Editor)
Publisher: Schocken (May 25, 1999)
Let's get our hands on it and read the first 53 pages (to round off the chapter, says Anna) by next Monday, June 19th. OK? Please comment some affirmations (objections? modifications?) so I'm not the only person doing this?
Official Format for responses to books:
Book Abbreviation, page number: subject, # response
eg: Trial, p50: I Like This Book, 1